Is your young person discerning a deeper exploration of their faith? Youth ages 13 and older may join the 2022 confirmation cohort this semester. All interested youth and their parent or guardian should plan to attend this interest meeting on Sunday January 23 immediately following Cathedral Youth Group at 2 PM. Email Kate Akerman to let her know if your young person is interested in confirmation or for more information.
- ‘Anglican’ Christianity: A four-part series in Advent 2022
- Last Hope Pet Food Drive
- “First Serve” Opportunity
- 10:00am Sung Mass
- 11:15am Choral Mass
- 12 Days of Christmas with the Cathedral
- 12 Steps for Contemplatives
- 200 Hours Outside Summer Challenge this weekend!
- 2022 Liturgical Calendars are here!
- 4th Annual PEACE Camp Day
- 5:00pm Saturdays at The Incarnation Chapel
- 8:00am Traditional Mass
- 9:15am Cathedral for Kids
- 9:15am Neighborhood Mass
- 9:15am Neighborhood Mass
- 9:15am Palm Sunday Morning Prayer With Sung Passion By Cathedral Choir
- A Barking Success!
- A big thank you for your donations
- A Feast of Lessons and Carols
- A Festival of Lessons and Carols
- A Festival of Lessons and Carols for Christmas
- A Festival of Lessons and Carols for Christmas
- A Festival of Lessons and Carols for Christmas - A Wonderful Success
- A Liturgy for Home: Pentecost XIV
- A message from Colin MacKnight
- A message from the Dean
- A note from the Dean regarding Communion in Both Kinds
- A Note from the Dean's Verger...
- A Vibrant Cathedral for the 21st Century
- Absalom Jones at the Incarnation Chapel
- Accessibility Project Update
- Adelphi Honors Seminar
- Adelphi Student and Professor Digitizing Cathedral Archives
- Administrative Transition
- Adopt a Family 2022
- Adopt-a-Family
- Adopt-A-Family
- Adopt-A-Family
- Adopt-a-Family 2020
- Advent Dinner Series
- Advent IV & Christmas Repertoire
- Advent online Lunch and Learn
- Advent Series
- Advent Suppers
- Advent Wreath Making
- Aid to Ukraine
- All Hallows Eve, Eve: Journey to the Cathedral Crypt
- All Hallows Eve: Journey to the Cathedral Crypt
- All Hallows Eve: Tales from the Cathedral Crypt
- All Souls Memorials
- Amanda Henes to be Ordained to the Diaconate
- American Guild of Organists Concert
- American Guild of Organists Recital
- And the Word was made Flesh
- Anglophone Caribbean Theology and Spirituality: A Matter of Identity
- Anniversary of Cathedral Consecration
- Annual Black History Celebration
- Annual Conference of the Vergers Guild
- Annual Meeting and BBQ A Wonderful Success
- Annual Year-End Slideshow
- Another Step Towards Normal at the Cathedral
- April from the Hives
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday Choral Service
- Ash Wednesday Services
- At Home with Cathedral for Kids
- At Home with Cathedral for Kids
- August Wallpaper Calendar is Here!
- Baptisms
- Barbados in New York
- Basic Christian Formation Program
- Become a Steward
- Befriending our fears in the way of Saint Francis
- Befriending Our Fears In The Way Of Saint Francis with Jon Sweeney
- Beverly James installed as Governor of Rotary District #7255
- Bishop Announces Presidential Appointment of Dean Sniffen
- Bishop Provenzano to preach in the Cathedral on September 11th
- Bishop Provenzano to visit Incarnation Chapel
- Bishop's Address to Diocesan Convention
- Black Lives and Contemplation: Spring 2024
- Blessing for Students and Teachers
- Blessing of Police Officers and First Responders
- Blessing of Reworked Vestments
- Blessing of the Animals Update
- Blessing of the Backpacks - September 18
- Blessing of the Backpacks on August 29
- Blessing of the Graduates
- Blessing of the Green Vestments in honor of Al Kohart
- Blood Drive at the Cathedral
- Bonjour, Stewardship!
- Book Signing and Reception for S. Jeanne Clark
- Boy Scout Troop 55 Fall Activities
- Boy Scout Troop 55 Holds Annual Fishing/Camping Trip and Court of Honor
- Boy Scout Troop 55 Winter Update
- Boy Scout Troup 55 Hold Annual Fishing/Camping Trip and Court of Honor
- Bright Week Schedule
- Brooklyn Contemplative Prayer
- Bulletins available electronically
- Calling Garden Enthusiasts!
- Cancelled: Ellevate at Mercer
- Canon Bruce Griffith's Invocation
- Canon Delaney to Support Ministry of the Bishop Full-Time
- Care for Creation
- Casavant Organ Reinstallation
- Catechumenate: a journey into the living waters of grace
- Catechumenate: Discovery
- Cathedral Alumni News
- Cathedral Beekeepers Are Preparing for our First Honey Extraction!
- Cathedral Choir Camp
- Cathedral Choir Camp 2024
- Cathedral Choir Camp 2024 Another Great Success
- Cathedral Choir Updates
- Cathedral Choirs Development Fund
- Cathedral Choirs Return This Weekend
- Cathedral Chorister Academy
- Cathedral Clergy Chaperone Youth Delegates to EYE23
- Cathedral Closed and Services Limited Next Week
- Cathedral Connect - Celebrations Ministry
- Cathedral Council Elections
- Cathedral Day of Service at The INN
- Cathedral for Kids
- Cathedral for Kids is Back
- Cathedral for Kids!
- Cathedral for Pets Prayer Service
- Cathedral for Pets: St. Francis Day Pet Food Drive to Support Last Hope
- Cathedral Honey Available
- Cathedral in the News
- Cathedral Kennel Club supports animal rescue in Ukraine
- Cathedral Kneeler Blessing
- Cathedral Kneelers Project
- Cathedral Life
- Cathedral Life
- Cathedral Life
- Cathedral Neighborhood Mass
- Cathedral of the Incarnation Presents the Notre Dame Glee Club for an Evening of Music
- Cathedral Outreach Ministries: Neighbors being Neighbors
- Cathedral Pet Ministry
- Cathedral Pet Ministry Spring Clean Up
- Cathedral Seating
- Cathedral Seminarians
- Cathedral Service League Trust Grant
- Cathedral vergers and altar guild: Vestments Project
- Cathedral Youth
- Cathedral Youth
- Cathedral Youth
- Cathedral Youth Confirmation Class
- Cathedral Youth Group
- Cathedral Youth Group
- Cathedral Youth Group - End of Year Cookout under the Tent
- Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) meets Sunday, Sept. 18 at 1PM
- Cathedral Youth Group Gathers Sunday (12/19/21)
- Cathedral Youth Group is Back Starting This Week
- Cathedral Youth Group meets this Sunday
- Cathedral Youth Group meets this Sunday - 1 PM
- Cathedral Youth Group meets this Sunday – 1 PM
- Cathedral Youth Group Meets This Week
- Cathedral Youth Group meets via Zoom this Sunday
- Cathedral Youth Group Pool Party!
- Cathedral Youth Night Watch
- Cathedral's Got Talent - This Saturday!
- Cathedral's Outreach Ministry Thanksgiving Dinner
- Celebrate All Hallows’ Eve at Cathedral for Kids
- Celebrating a Year with Fellowship in Faith
- Celebrating National Coming Out Day
- Celebration of the Life and Ministry of the Reverend Absalom Jones
- Celebration of the life of Dr. Phyllis Bain
- Celebration of the Rev. Absalom Jones
- Celebration of the Vigil of Pentecost
- Celebration Sunday is This Week!
- Center for Spiritual Imagination: First Tuesdays
- Children's Clothing & Coat Drive
- Choir Awards
- Choir Camp 2022
- Choir Camp 2023
- Choral Concert and Organ Recital
- Choral Concert: Bob Chilcott, conductor
- Choral Concert: eVoco Collective Mixed Ensemble "Bernstein at 100"
- Choral Concert: eVoco Voice Collective
- Choral Evensong and Chorister Appreciation
- Choral Evensong for All Saints Day
- Choral Evensong for Candlemas
- Choral Evensong for Candlemas
- Choral Evensong for Candlemas
- Choral Evensong for Candlemas Day
- Choral Evensong for Eastertide
- Choral Evensong for Lent & Cathedral Connect
- Choral Evensong for Pentecost and Chorister Recognition Day
- Choral Evensong for St. Francis Day and Blessing of Animals
- Choral Evensong for the Feast of All Saints
- Choral Evensong for the Feast of Candlemas
- Choral Evensong for the Feast of the Epiphany
- Choral Evensong on Sunday
- Choral Evensong: Creation Care
- Chrism Mass
- Christmas at the Cathedral
- Christmas at the Cathedral Schedule
- Christmas Caroling by our Acolytes
- Christmas Day
- Christmas Day Mass
- Christmas Donations
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Eve Reception
- Christmas for Kids Pageant
- Christmas Pageant Auditions Sunday, November 17th
- Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal this Saturday (12/18/21)
- Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
- Christmas Pageant Rehearsals
- Christmas Schedule at the Cathedral
- Christmas: The Whole Story in Light and Sound
- Churchwide Virtual Celebration: The Investiture of Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe
- Coffee Hour For All!
- Coffee, Cake & Connection
- Coffee, Cake, and Conversation
- Colin MacKnight: The Art of Fugue
- Collaboration Between Organists in the US and Ukraine
- Collecting supplies for our friends in Belize
- Collection for Puerto Rico
- Communion Instruction Five Week Course
- Community Garden First Harvest
- Community of the Incarnation Contemplative Prayer Service
- Concert: The Taylor & Boody Continuo Organ
- Concerts Return to the Cathedral with Notre Dame Glee Club
- Confirmations
- Congratulations to Fr. Adam Bucko and Kaira Jewel!
- Connect to Cathedral Life
- Construction of New Frontal Cabinet
- Contemplative Practice For Just Living
- Contemplative Prayer in-person at the Cathedral
- Continuation of the suspension of in-person worship
- Cornelia Clinch Stewart Scholarship Fund
- Council Picnic: Rescheduled!
- COVID Rental Assistance Program
- Creation Care Conversation
- Creation Care Ministry Earth Day Event
- CSA Farm Share 2025 Season
- Cub Scout Pack 55
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Cathedral Tour
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Open House
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Pinewood Derby
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Poinsettia & Wreath Fundraiser
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Registration
- Cultivating Justice Virtual Event
- Daniel Gale Sotheby’s Pairs with Cathedral Outreach Ministry for Coat Drive
- Day of the Dead
- Daylight Saving Time Starts
- Deacon Denise Galloway Named Coordinator of Deacons
- Deacon Doug Mohrmann's last Sunday at the Cathedral
- Deadline for United Thank Offering Donations
- Dean names Kyle Sabo as his Senior Administrative Aide
- Dean Sniffen Keeps Marine Corps Spirits High
- Dean's Forum
- Dean's Forum Begins
- Dean's Forum: The Reverend Dr. Craig D. Townsend
- Dean's Forum: C.S.Lewis's Letters to Malcolm
- Dean's Forum: Cathedral Life Today and Tomorrow
- Dean's Forum: Christmas to Candlemas
- Dean's Forum: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Dean's Forum: Engaging Christian Virtue
- Dean's Forum: Engaging Christian Virtues Part II
- Dean's Forum: Grace and Incarnation
- Dean's Forum: Lenten Bible Study
- Dean's Forum: Service to Country
- Dean's Forum: The Gift and Grace of Stewardship
- Dean's Forum: The Gift of Years
- Dean's Forum: This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home
- Dean’s Forum: Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide with Fr. Adam Bucko
- Deanery-Wide Bible Study Initiative
- Deans Forum: I Sing a Song of the Saints of God
- Deck the Halls with us!
- Deconsecration of Cathedral House
- Dianne Moody Funeral Service
- Diaper Drive 2022
- Diocesan Celebration of Earth Day
- Discovery: Episcopal 101
- Discovery: Inquirer's Class
- Discovery: Stage I of the Catechumenate Process
- Discovery: Stage II of the Catechumenate Process
- Eagle Project Bake Sale
- Eagle Scout Fundraiser
- Eagle Scout Project
- Eagle Scout Project at the Bishop Walker Guesthouse
- Earth Day Presentation
- Earthquake Relief Team Effort
- Easter Edition of Cathedral Connect
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Easter Flower & Palm Screen Donations
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Sunday Liturgy
- Eastertide Service Recognition
- Elevate Summer Camp Weekend at Camp DeWolfe
- Ellevate Event at Mercer
- EMLI: From Pew to Public Square
- Episcopal Ministries Helps Provide a Lifeline
- Evensong for All Saints' Day
- Evensong for Easter
- Evensong for Eastertide and Sherry Hour
- Evensong for Epiphany & Reception to follow benefitting Cathedral Outreach
- Evensong for the Feast of Candlemas
- Evensong for the Feast of Pentecost
- Evensong for the Nation
- Evensong for the Season of Creation
- Evensong: Canceled
- Event with Multiple Sub-Events (not nested)
- Exploring a Monastic Rule of Life
- Exploring New Monasticism with the Center for Spiritual Imagination
- Eyeglasses Collection
- Family Communion Class
- Family Getaways at Camp DeWolfe
- Family Ministries Newsletters
- Farewell to Kate Akerman
- Feast of Thanksgiving for the Holy Eucharist
- February 2022 Repertoire
- Feeding Ministries
- Feeding Ministries
- Fellowship in Faith
- Fellowship in Faith
- Fellowship in Faith
- Fellowship in Faith
- Fellowship in Faith - No program this Sunday!
- Fellowship in Faith & Dean's Forum
- Fellowship in Faith and Cathedral Youth
- Fellowship in Faith Clothing Drive for INN a success!
- Fellowship in Faith for Adults
- Fellowship in Faith for Families
- Final Fellowship in Faith Celebration
- First-ever Online Blessing of the Animals, October 21 at 2pm
- Flower Memorials
- Free Antibody Testing
- Fresh Fruit Donations for Street Ministry
- From the Hive
- From the Hive
- Garden City Interfaith Gathering
- Garden City Peace and Justice Picnic
- Garden Manor Nursery School at Christ Church
- Garden Market
- Gethsemane Watch on Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Good Friday for Kids
- Graduating Choristers Receive Award
- Great Vigil of Easter
- Greetings from Ukraine!
- Grief Support Group
- Growing Number of Choristers Creates Need for Two Rehearsals, Allows for More Focused Training
- Guest Preacher at Incarnation Chapel
- Guest Preacher at Incarnation Chapel This Week
- Halloween for All Ages this Sunday
- Harpsichord to Expand Musical Resources
- Healing Day National Bell Ringing
- Hello Summer!
- Help The INN collect school supplies
- Help The INN continue to serve the hungry and homeless
- Help Those INN Need
- Helping Our Furry Friends
- Helping People Feed Their Pets
- High Altar Restoration to Begin This Month
- History as Social Justice Activism: An Uncovering Parish Histories Report
- Hofstra Collegium Musicum: Dive Thoughts, Down to My Soul
- Holy Week and Easter
- Holy Week and Easter Sermons Online
- Holy Week and Easter Services
- Holy Week at the Cathedral
- Honoring our High School Seniors
- Hymn Festival: Simon Lole, Conductor
- In my beginning is my end: Thinking about the creation and consummation of all things
- Incarnation Chapel
- Incarnation Chapel Feast of the Epiphany and First Anniversary
- Incarnation Chapel Good Friday
- Incarnation Chapel this Saturday
- Incarnation Chapel this week
- Incarnation Chapel: Absalom Jones
- Incarnation Chapel: Contemplation Through Art
- Individual or Group Guided Tours
- INNcarnation Brunch 2019
- Inside the Hive - First Honey Extraction of the Season
- Institution of the Reverend Andrew Durbridge as 8th Rector of St. Luke and St. Matthew
- Interested in Becoming a Youth Acolyte?
- Interfaith Memorial Day Prayer Service (Online)
- Interfaith Service and Picnic are cancelled
- International Piano and Violin Competition
- Introduction To Socially Engaged Mysticism (Candidacy)
- Invite Welcome Connect with Mary Parmer
- January 2022 Repertoire
- Jeanisha's Mission Trip to Puerto Rico!
- Join a Group!
- Join in Celebrating the Ordination of Matthew Sanfilippo and Reception of Andrew Garnett
- Join us for Fellowship & Barbeque
- Join Us for Long Island Pride!
- July Wallpaper Calendar is Here!
- July Wallpaper Calendar is Here!
- June Wallpaper Calendar is Here!
- Junior Warden Elected by Council
- Kris Vieira to become Program Director of the Center for Spiritual Imagination
- Kyle Sabo Appointed as Dean’s Verger
- Last Hope Animal Shelter Food Drive and Cathedral for Pets First Monday Pet Blessings & Prayer Group
- Launch of Center for Spiritual Imagination
- Lay Eucharistic Visitor Training Session
- Lay Eucharistic Visitor Training Session
- Lectio Divina for Advent
- Lecto Divina for Advent
- Lectors for Cathedral for Kids
- Lectors Workshop
- Lent and Easter for Kids
- Lent and Holy Week Schedule
- Lenten Ecumenical Prayer
- Lenten Series: Five Holy Wounds
- Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide: Lessons in Engaged Contemplation
- LGBTQ+ and Spirituality: Building a Relationship of Love and Compassion
- Liturgical Minister Training continues this weekend!
- Liturgical Ministry in a time of Covid
- Live Stream Eucharist: Washington National Cathedral
- Long Island Pride Parade
- Long Time Pledge Secretary Gerry Potter Honored
- Lunch and Learn Jan 2023 Engaging with Matthew's Gospel in Lectionary Year A
- Lunch and Learn Series: Be Young at Heart in Epiphanytide with Canon Kate
- Lunch and Learn with the Rev. Dr. John McGinty
- Lunch and Learn with The Rev. Dr. McGinty - Registration is open!
- Lunch and Learn: The Bible and Creation
- Lyracle: Voice and Viol
- Manolov International Piano Competition this Saturday
- March Against Anti-Semitism
- March Spotlight on Stewardship
- Mask Update
- Maundy Thursday
- May the Fourth Be With You — Star Wars Afternoon at the Cathedral
- Meditation & Justice Series at Adelphi
- Meditation and Contemplative Prayer
- Meditation and Justice at Adelphi University
- Memorial Day Mass - 9am at the Cathedral of the Incarnation
- Ministry Preparation
- Missing Icon
- Mitt-stravaganza 2: Keep on Mittening!
- Mitt-stravaganza In-gathering: Make them, buy them, bring them!
- Mitt-Stravaganza!
- MLK Day of Service
- Monday is Moonday!
- Moondance in the Nave: A Gala Dinner/Dance Benefiting the Historic Stewart Buildings Fund
- Morning Prayer for the Nation
- Mothering Sunday
- Mothering Sunday Pancake Breakfast
- Mothering Sunday Pancake Breakfast
- Multiracial Biblical Studies
- Music at 11:15 Mass this Sunday
- Music in the Cathedral Series
- Music Selections for All Saints’ Sunday
- Musical Splendors of Rome
- Mystagogia: Living into the Mysteries
- Mystagogia: Living into the Mysteries of our Faith
- Mystery Bus Tour!
- Nassau County Correctional Center Ministry
- National Acolyte Festival
- Neighbors Being Neighbors
- Neighbors Being Neighbors
- Neighbors Being Neighbors 12th Night Celebration
- Neighbors Being Neighbors Cathedral Outreach Reception
- Neighbors Being Neighbors: Ice Cream Social
- Neighbors Being Neighbors: Volunteer Opportunities
- Nest Sub Event Example
- New Cathedral Outreach and Basic Christian Formation in Carle Place
- New Guided Meditation
- New Mission at Site of Former St. Mary’s, Carle Place
- New Monastic Vow Ceremony
- New services at Christ Church: A Chapel of the Cathedral
- New Summer Schedule Starting This Weekend
- New Years Day
- Newsday Article on Incarnation Chapel
- Nightwatch at the Cathedral
- Nobel Peace Prize nominee to preach and teach at Cathedral on Mother’s Day
- Noonday and Evening Prayer
- Noonday Mass Tuesday through Thursday
- Notice Regarding Phishing Emails
- November 4th Benefit Concert for Ukraine
- Now What is Love?
- NYC World Pride Parade
- Open House for New Girl & Boy Choristers
- Opportunities for Healing Prayers and Anointing
- Opportunities for Healing Prayers and Anointing
- Oral History of the Cathedral
- Ordination of Adam Bucko
- Ordination of Kate Schneider to the Transitional Diaconate
- Ordination to the Priesthood
- Organ Concert: Colin MacKnight
- Organ Concert: Larry Tremsky
- Organ Recital: Alex Pattavina
- Organ Recital: Colin MacKnight
- Organ Restoration Project
- Our latest newsletter is here!
- Our New Associate Organist/Choirmaster
- Outdoor Evensong for Saint Francis Day and Blessing of the Animals
- Outdoor Neighborhood Service
- Outreach Care Package Drive
- Outreach Ministry Coat Collection
- Outreach Ministry: Upcoming Events
- P.E.A.C.E. 5th Annual Talent and Fashion Show
- P.E.A.C.E. After School Program
- P.E.A.C.E. AfterSchool Camp Day
- Pack & Troop 55's Annual Wreath and Poinsettia Fundraiser
- Pack 55 and BSA Girl Troop 322 Camp Outs
- Pack 55 News & Events
- Pack 55 Rocket Stomp
- Palm Screen Construction
- Palm Sunday
- Palm Sunday Choral Services
- Palm Sunday Online
- Parents Forum: Growing Pains
- Parents Forum: The Spirituality of Teenagers
- Parents' Circle
- Parents' Circle Registration is Now Open - March 8 and 22
- Pawtoberfest and Blessing of the Animals
- Pentecost Annual Meeting and Community BBQ
- Pentecost Sunday
- Pet Ministry Meeting
- Phased Re-Opening
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Prayer Shawl Ministry (online)
- Prayers for the Nation
- Prepare the Cathedral for Easter!
- Prison Ministry Christmas Cards
- Private Christmas Communion
- Private Communion at Cathedral
- Private Household Communion in Lent
- Prom Dresses for those in Need
- Raphael Vogl, Associate Organist/Choirmaster
- Realm for Giving
- Realm for Giving
- Register for your Advent Wreath Kit today!
- Register now for Parents' Circle: Blessing of a Skinned Knee
- Regular Worship Schedule Resumes September 12
- Remembering the Future
- Request for Donations
- Response to Cold Weather Emergency in the South
- Return of Sherry Hour!
- Return of the Cathedral Choristers
- Rev. Deacon Claire Mis will preach at Incarnation Chapel
- Revelation: Resistance and Hope for its time – and ours
- Ring "INN" The New Year!
- Sacred Ground
- Sacred Ground 2025
- Sacred Ground: REGISTRATION CLOSING 1/24/24
- Sacred Ground: The Episcopal Church's Series on Race, Grounded in Faith
- Save the Date for a Mardi Gras celebration
- Scholarships Awarded at Juneteenth Jubilee
- School Group Visits
- School Supply Donations
- School Supply Drive
- Scout Sunday at the 9:15am Cathedral for Kids!
- Scout Sunday February 6
- Scout Troop 55 News
- Seedlings is Back!
- Serve at The INN
- Service League Grants Awarded
- Severe heat this weekend: Neighborhood Mass will be indoors
- Snacks for The INN
- Social Distancing Solidarity: Rainbow Connection
- Social Justice Ministry
- Social Justice Ministry
- Social Justice Ministry Book Discussion
- Social Justice Ministry Book Discussion: Kindred
- Social Justice Ministry meets this Sunday
- Social Justice Ministry Mission Statement
- Social Justice Ministry: Race and Faith
- Social Justice Ministry's Reading Group Resumes
- Social Justice Reading Group
- Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday
- Solemn Mass for Christmas Eve, preceded by carols
- Solemn Mass for Maundy Thursday
- Solidarity With Ukraine
- Soup Donations for Street Ministry
- Soup Donations needed!
- Special Coffee Hour this Sunday in Honor of Fr. Michael Delaney
- Special Dean’s Forum with Charlie Janoff, August 15
- Special Knitting Morning
- Special PRESALE! Victorian Christmas Tea
- Special Worship Opportunities
- Spiritual Practices for Difficult Times
- Spotlight on Altar Guild
- Spotlight on Pastoral Care Ministry
- Spotlight on Stewardship
- Spotlight on: LI-CAN
- Spotlight On....
- Spring Cohort Reunion of Sacred Ground
- Stations of the Cross
- Stations of the Cross (TEST ONLY)
- Stations of the Cross for Kids
- Staying Connected
- Steinway Piano Recital: Veselin Ninov with the New York Virtuosos
- Steinway Series Piano Concert: Chad Lawson
- Steward Blessing
- Stewardship
- Stewardship Reminder
- Stewardship Sunday
- Stewart Circle Sponsor Cocktail Party
- Storytime with Kate
- Sub-Dean Transition
- Summer Coffee Hours
- Summer Kick-Off at the Cathedral
- Summer Reading: The Universal Christ
- Summer Sandwich Making
- Summer Storytime on the Cathedral Close
- Summer with Family Ministries
- Sunday School Registration
- Support Life Scout in Troop 55
- Support the Cathedral of the Incarnation with AmazonSmile
- Take a Seat at the Cathedral!
- Talents, Gifts, & Time! Stewardship Sundays
- Taylor and Boody Organ Demonstration
- Tending for Loss - A Facilitated Support Circle
- Thank You
- Thank you for sharing the love this Christmas!
- Thank you to Agape Ministries
- Thank you to all who supported Camp Peace
- Thank you to our Memorial Day Fair volunteers and sponsors!
- Thank You to our PEACE Day Camp volunteers
- Thank You's and Smiles from Belize
- Thanks to All Who Attended Pentecost Sunday
- Thanksgiving at the Incarnation Chapel
- The 81st General Convention
- The Artist as Preacher
- The Baptism Of Christ
- The Barbara C. Harris Scholarship is Now Accepting Applications
- The Cathedral Choristers
- The Cathedral INNcarnation Ministry
- The Cathedral Needs...You!
- The cathedral’s stunning Resurrection Peacock embroidery will…rise again!
- The Dean of the Cathedral has appointed the Rev. Kate Salisbury as Canon for Christian Education
- The Dean to Preach at St. Michael's & All Angels, Barbados
- The Dean's Forum
- The Feast of St. Nicholas at the Incarnation Chapel
- The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
- The Gothic Imagination
- The Great Vigil of Easter
- The History of Heaven and Hell
- The Last Sunday After Epiphany
- The Long Island Baroque Ensemble presents our 53rd Annual Bach Concert
- The Moon as Sacred Mirror
- The Nicene Creed
- The Office of Tenebrae
- The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple
- The Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
- The Social Justice Ministry
- The Spiritual Imagination of Howard Thurman
- The Spirituality of Recovery with the Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke
- The Third Sunday after Epiphany
- This Week at Fellowship in Faith
- This Week at Incarnation Chapel
- TIME CORRECTION: Daily Office Meeting with The Rev’d Canon Michael Delaney 8PM Tomorrow
- Troop 55 Community Project
- Troop 55’s Newest Eagle Scout
- Tuesday Evening Meditation and Contemplative Prayer
- Tuesday Meditation and Contemplative Prayer
- Twelfth Night and Procession of Three Kings
- Ukrainian Benefit Concert at the Cathedral of the Incarnation
- Ukrainian University Choir Concert
- Unicorns Spotted at the Cathedral
- United for Ukraine
- Upcoming Scout Sunday
- Us and Floyd + “Pillar & Pint” Brewery Night Under the Moon
- Usher CPR training
- Using Your Sacred Space
- Verger 101 Information Session
- Verger's Fall Workshop
- Veterans Day Evensong at St. Ann & The Holy Trinity Church and Pro Cathedral
- Vigil of Palm Sunday
- Volunteer at St. John's Episcopal Hospital
- Volunteers for Palm Screen
- Volunteers Needed for All Hallows' Eve
- Volunteers Needed: Saturdays Once a Month
- Watch the recording of Commissioning Ceremony for Dean Sniffen
- Wednesday Healing Eucharist
- Wednesday Night Advent Series: The Universal Christ
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- Weekday Daily Office with the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island
- Weekday Morning Prayer and Compline via Zoom
- Weekday Morning Prayer Online
- Weekdays & Weekends in the Garden
- Weekend Events Hosted by Our Ministry Partners
- Weekly Meditation And Contemplative Prayer
- Weeknight Compline Online
- Welcome Christ Church!
- Welcome David Preston
- Welcome Douglas Mohrmann, New Cathedral Seminarian
- Welcome Father Cameron Walker
- Welcome new Cathedral Council members
- Welcome, Adam Bucko!
- Welcome, Caroline!
- Welcome, Fr Eddie!
- Welcome, Lisa!
- Welcome, Raphael!
- Welcoming Autumn with Harvest Altar
- What the bees tell US!
- What Unites Us As Christians
- Why Believe? William James and the Challenge to Faith
- Wishing Amanda Henes All Success
- Women's March in NYC
- Woof! Meow! (That Means Thank You!)
- Worship Schedule with Links to Services and Bulletins
- Year-End Slideshow & Reports from Annual Meeting
- Yoga at the Cathedral
- Yoga Outdoors
- Youth Confirmation meeting January 23
- Youth Habitat for Humanity Build
- Youth Leadership Workshop