© Girl in a Camera Productions

Prayer List

You can submit prayer requests online here.

Prayer for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost

O God, the protector of all that trust in thee, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: Increase and multiply upon us thy mercy, that, thou being our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things temporal, that we finally lose not the things eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer List:

The Church: Michael the Presiding Bishop; Lawrence, our Bishop; Geralyn, our Assistant Bishop; Daniel, our Assisting Bishop; William, our Assisting Bishop; Michael, our Dean; Eddie, our Sub Dean; Adam, our Minor Canon; Denise, our Deacon and Director of Outreach; Kate, our Canon for Christian Education; Larry, our Canon Musician; Raphael, our Associate Organist/Choirmaster; Charlie, our Chancellor; Jack and Garrett, our Livestream Technicians, James, our Sexton; Kris, our Program Director of the Center for Spiritual Imagination; Arleen and Lisa, our Cathedral Administrators; Gerry, our Pledge Secretary; and Caroline, our Assistant to the Dean and Administrator of the Center for Spiritual Imagination.

The Nation: Joseph, our President; Kathy, our Governor; Mary, the Mayor of Garden City, and the members of our Armed Forces, especially The Very Rev. Dr. Michael Sniffen, The Rev. James Reiss, The Rev. Jen Pilat, The Rev. Matthew Sanfilippo, Brian Thorpe, James Rivera, Charlie Whittaker, Jason Whittaker, Raymond Minihan, Jason Clark, Liam Begley, Adam Sanchez, Jonathan Hart, James Tilden, Noah Penders, Jason R. Corrado Jr. and their families.

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Diocese of Cascadia and in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Community Justice Ministry.

For those who have asked for our prayers: Tony, Flor, Marisol, Pat, Lawrence, Karen, Headley, Mary F., Monica S., Eladio, Niyjah, Natasha, Nesha, Claude, Lauren, London, Tristan, Gianna, Nirvana, August, Wayne, Indigo, Chi, Todd, Theresa, Whitney, Danielle C., Webb D., Marc S., Jeneen G., Anthony P., Caroline Z., Lisa K., Toni C., Vanya D., Yvette H., Shelton, Joan N., Hermia H., Marilyn E., Neena, Neena, Matthew, Marcus, Susanne F., Bishop P., Ruth S., Thomas S., Sofia, Ashley S., Jill, Arielle, Autumn, Scott, Janice K., Jean P., Norma, Monique T., Tommy P., Joe, Leonard, Adalyn R., Gena A., Nadine W., Bella, Sandy's Grandchild, Charlie N., Anna Z., Dean Otis, Allison B., and Tom M., Impirika S., Kathy C., Eric M., Jeff S., Mark C., Ivette H. and Gail C.

On Sunday, July 28 the masses are being offered in prayer for Kevin.

Altar flowers for this Sunday, July 28 are given in loving memory of our father Dan Siegmann on his birthday by his daughters Ruth and Lorraine.

We pray for those who have died, and for those grieving the death of a loved one, that they may find comfort and peace.

We wish a Blessed and Happy Birthday to our Cathedral Kids and Youth who celebrate a birthday in July! Nathan B., Henry C., Brinley D., Emma E., Anaiya G., Simon H., Samuel H., Tommy H., Frances H., Jack I., Millie K., Winter L., Jack L., Luke L., Luna L., Albert M., Luca N., Oliver O., Nicholas S., Jeremy W., Kevin W., and Theo Z.

Mass cards, altar flowers, bread and wine donations, sanctuary candles, children’s birthdays and prayer requests can be sent to the cathedral office at cathedral@incarnationgc.org or (516) 746-2955. Prayers are taken off the list after 90 days unless a special request is made.