Catechumenate: a journey into the living waters of grace

The catechumenate is a process that guides and supports people into Christian life and practice as they respond to the movement of God in their lives. It is not a program. It is a journey, a way of living into conversion into Christ, the way of entering into the Body of Christ, the way of preparing for baptism, confirmation, reception into the Episcopal Church, re-affirmation of faith and the way of discerning one’s God-given vocation, all with the support of other Christians in community.

The Catechumenate is an intergenerational conversation about authentic faith, scripture, sacraments, the movement of the Spirit and a window into the Episcopal way of life.

The journey continues each Thursday during the Season of Lent beginning Thursday, March 2 at 7:00pm at the Bishop Walker Guesthouse (59 3rd Street). Everyone is welcome on this journey. For more information email our Canon Delaney at