Weekly Services
5:00pm Saturdays at The Incarnation Chapel
252 Rushmore Place, Carle Place (former St. Mary's)
Welcome the Sabbath with candle lighting and mass followed by a light meal. Please visit www.incarnationgc.org/chapel for more information.
8:00am Traditional Mass
Sundays, 8:00am in-person at the Cathedral
9:15am Cathedral for Kids
Sundays, 9:15am, in-person at the Cathedral
10:00am Sung Mass
Sundays, 10:00am in-person or online
We are live streaming this service directly to our website for best possible audio and video quality. To join us online, visit incarnationgc.org/live. You can view previous services on our Vimeo page. (Our daily Morning Prayer and Compline services will continue to use Zoom.)
Wednesday Healing Eucharist
Wednesday healing Eucharist will continue weekly.