© Elizabeth Leidel

Weekly News

We Worship

Worship Schedule


5:00pm The Incarnation Chapel

252 Rushmore Place, Carle Place (former St. Mary's)

Visit incarnationgc.org/chapel for more information.


8:00am Traditional Mass

In-person at the cathedral

9:15am Cathedral for Kids

In-person at the Cathedral

11:15am Choral Mass

In-person at the cathedral and via livestream


6:30pm Weekly Meditation and Contemplative Prayer

Online via Zoom. Meeting ID: 894 5687 5414


12:00pm Healing Mass

in-person at the cathedral

Incarnation Chapel this Saturday

Rev. Kate Schneider to preach

Feb. 15 at 5pm

This Saturday at 5:00 pm, we welcome The Rev. Kate Schneider to Incarnation Chapel as our guest preacher. A third year MDiv student at Union Theological Seminary in the Episcopal and Anglican Studies program, Mo. Kate spent five years with us at the Cathedral, first as Family Ministries Coordinator, before serving as the Director of Family Ministries. She currently serves as deacon at Zion Episcopal Church, Douglaston, NY. She is excited to join the Incarnation Chapel community again this week!

Save the Date for a Mardi Gras celebration

Saturday, March 1, 4-7pm.

Celebrate Mardi Gras and prepare for Lent at an event for all ages Saturday, March 1, at Incarnation Chapel. Activities will include the burning of palms, discussion of Lenten disciplines and themes, followed by a service of Holy Eucharist and Mardi Gras supper.

Noonday Mass Tuesday through Thursday

Beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5

Beginning in Lent 2025, we will be adding two additional noon day masses on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Our mass with anointing will continue to be offered on Wednesdays, with the additional masses starting Tuesday, March 4.

We Connect

Yoga at the Cathedral

Fridays at 6pm

Please bring your own yoga mat. All levels of yoga experience are welcome, including those who practice on a chair. We encourage you to bring a friend!

Prayer Shawl Ministry


Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025 at 10am

The Prayer Shawl ministry knit and crochet shawls, lap robes and baby blankets for people who have asked for prayers. Beginners are welcome! The group will meet this Sunday in person in the Mercer Building.

Join us on Realm for more details!

We Grow

Fellowship in Faith & Dean's Forum

No programming this Sunday

February 16

Dean's Forum and Fellowship in Faith will not meet this Sunday, February 16. We will return on Sunday, February 23.

Cathedral Youth Confirmation Class

Confirmation is the mature affirmation of baptismal vows; an opportunity to recommit to the responsibilities of baptism, and to receive laying on of hands by a bishop.

The Cathedral celebrates confirmations every year at the Easter Vigil, and invites 8th-12th graders from around the diocese to join our Confirmation program.

Confirmands make a commitment to education, worship and service. The youth confirmation class begins Sunday, March 9th and continues for five consecutive weeks in Lent.

To learn more and to register for Youth Confirmation at the Cathedral, please contact The Rev. Kate Salisbury.

We Serve

Mothering Sunday Pancake Breakfast

Save the Date

This popular event will be held on Sunday, March 30th and we hope to see you there! As always, volunteers are needed to make this happen. If you can help with the preparations or on the day of the event, please connect with us via email at connect@incarnationgc.org. You can also text or phone Diana Campbell at 516-647-1152.

Calling Garden Enthusiasts!

The Cathedral is one step closer in the grant process to create a native pollinator garden on the cathedral grounds. You can learn more about the program here. If you are interested in being part of our core group of volunteers who would help maintain the garden for the next two years, reach out to Caroline at ccosgrove@incarnationgc.org.

Soup Donations needed!

Neighbors being Neighbors

We are in need of donations of canned Progresso Chicken Noodle for our Neighbors being Neighbors ministry. Now that winter has begun, we will be serving the soup twice per week with our sandwiches. Please bring donations to church, or drop at the Cathedral office in See House during the week.

We Pray

You can submit prayer requests online here.

A prayer for the Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

O God, the strength of all who put their trust in you: Mercifully accept our prayers; and because in our weakness we can do nothing good without you, give us the help of your grace, that in keeping your commandments we may please you both in will and deed; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer List:

The Church: Sean the Presiding Bishop; Lawrence, our Bishop; Geralyn, our Assistant Bishop; Daniel, our Assisting Bishop; William, our Assisting Bishop; Michael, our Dean; Eddie, our Sub Dean; Kate, our Canon for Christian Education; Adam, our Abbot of the Center for Spiritual Imagination; Dan and Mark our Co-Vicars of the Incarnation Chapel: Cameron our Curate; Denise, our Deacon and Director of Outreach; Larry, our Canon Musician; David, our Associate Organist/Choirmaster; Charlie, our Chancellor; Kyle our Dean's Verger; Garrett, our Livestream Technician, James, our Sexton; Kris, our Program Director of the Center for Spiritual Imagination; Arleen, our Cathedral Administrator; Gerry, our Pledge Secretary and Asst. Treasurer

The Nation: Donald, our President; Kathy, our Governor; Mary, the Mayor of Garden City, and the members of our Armed Forces, especially The Very Rev. Dr. Michael Sniffen, The Rev. James Reiss, The Rev. Jen Pilat, The Rev. Matthew Sanfilippo, The Rev. Landon Moore, Brian Thorpe, James Rivera, Charlie Whittaker, Jason Whittaker, Raymond Minihan, Jason Clark, Liam Begley, Adam Sanchez, Jonathan Hart, James Tilden, Noah Penders, Jason R. Corrado Jr. and their and their families.

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for The Anglican Church of Australia, and in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for The Reparations Committee.

For those who have asked for our prayers: Tony, Flor, Marisol, Pat, Lawrence, Karen, Headley, Mary F., Monica S., Eladio, Niyjah, Natasha, Nesha, Claude, Lauren, London, Tristan, Gianna, Nirvana, August, Wayne, Indigo, Chi, Todd, Theresa, Whitney, Webb D., Marc S., Jeneen G., Anthony P., Caroline Z., Toni C., Mary H., Arielle, Bill B., Isabella J., Joan N., Kelly M., Raj P, John M., Emily, Gerald, Tony, Jackie, Reginald, Bill B., Laura B., Maryann D., Jera, Holly, Connor, Jermaine C., Leslie P., Savina & Philip D., James & Eileen, Floy-Dean, Annette, Jackson, Maureen M., Devinder S., James C., Katy, Madison, Baby S., Monique T., Marlen, Christina R., Mary F., Marcus, Neena, Matthew, Laryssa F., Jennifer U., Lillian N., Bob R., Maima B., Bob C., Brenna B., Donna G., Rebekah L., Jivan S., Joel L., Vivian T, Elizabeth, Shannon P., Joe P., McKenna P. and Thomas R.

We pray for those who have died, and for those grieving the death of a loved one, that they may find comfort and peace.

We wish a Blessed and Happy Birthday to our Cathedral Kids and Youth who celebrate a birthday in February: Isabel A., Sidonie B., Eliza C., Domenic D., Matteo D., Ella G., Sienna L., Graham L., Harper M., Kai M., Mikaela P., Amara S., Johnny S., Sean S., and Quinn S.

Mass cards, altar flowers, bread and wine donations, sanctuary candles, children’s birthdays and prayer requests can be sent to the cathedral office at cathedral@incarnationgc.org or (516) 746-2955. Prayers are taken off the list after 90 days unless a special request is made.