A choir of angels spread Christmas cheer on Tuesday evening Dec. 21. The Cathedral Acolytes, led by Deacon Galloway and Chris Scott brought joy via song!
- ‘Anglican’ Christianity: A four-part series in Advent 2022
- Last Hope Pet Food Drive
- “First Serve” Opportunity
- 10:00am Sung Mass
- 11:15am Choral Mass
- 12 Days of Christmas with the Cathedral
- 12 Steps for Contemplatives
- 200 Hours Outside Summer Challenge this weekend!
- 2022 Liturgical Calendars are here!
- 4th Annual PEACE Camp Day
- 5:00pm Saturdays at The Incarnation Chapel
- 8:00am Traditional Mass
- 9:15am Cathedral for Kids
- 9:15am Neighborhood Mass
- 9:15am Neighborhood Mass
- 9:15am Palm Sunday Morning Prayer With Sung Passion By Cathedral Choir
- A Barking Success!
- A big thank you for your donations
- A Feast of Lessons and Carols
- A Festival of Lessons and Carols
- A Festival of Lessons and Carols for Christmas
- A Festival of Lessons and Carols for Christmas
- A Festival of Lessons and Carols for Christmas - A Wonderful Success
- A Liturgy for Home: Pentecost XIV
- A message from Colin MacKnight
- A message from the Dean
- A note from the Dean regarding Communion in Both Kinds
- A Note from the Dean's Verger...
- A Vibrant Cathedral for the 21st Century
- Absalom Jones at the Incarnation Chapel
- Accessibility Project Update
- Adelphi Honors Seminar
- Adelphi Student and Professor Digitizing Cathedral Archives
- Administrative Transition
- Adopt a Family 2022
- Adopt-a-Family
- Adopt-A-Family
- Adopt-A-Family
- Adopt-a-Family 2020
- Advent Dinner Series
- Advent IV & Christmas Repertoire
- Advent online Lunch and Learn
- Advent Series
- Advent Suppers
- Advent Wreath Making
- Aid to Ukraine
- All Hallows Eve, Eve: Journey to the Cathedral Crypt
- All Hallows Eve: Journey to the Cathedral Crypt
- All Hallows Eve: Tales from the Cathedral Crypt
- All Souls Memorials
- Amanda Henes to be Ordained to the Diaconate
- American Guild of Organists Concert
- American Guild of Organists Recital
- And the Word was made Flesh
- Anglophone Caribbean Theology and Spirituality: A Matter of Identity
- Anniversary of Cathedral Consecration
- Annual Black History Celebration
- Annual Conference of the Vergers Guild
- Annual Meeting and BBQ A Wonderful Success
- Annual Year-End Slideshow
- Another Step Towards Normal at the Cathedral
- April from the Hives
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday Choral Service
- Ash Wednesday Services
- At Home with Cathedral for Kids
- At Home with Cathedral for Kids
- August Wallpaper Calendar is Here!
- Baptisms
- Barbados in New York
- Basic Christian Formation Program
- Become a Steward
- Befriending our fears in the way of Saint Francis
- Befriending Our Fears In The Way Of Saint Francis with Jon Sweeney
- Beverly James installed as Governor of Rotary District #7255
- Bishop Announces Presidential Appointment of Dean Sniffen
- Bishop Provenzano to preach in the Cathedral on September 11th
- Bishop Provenzano to visit Incarnation Chapel
- Bishop's Address to Diocesan Convention
- Black Lives and Contemplation: Spring 2024
- Blessing for Students and Teachers
- Blessing of Police Officers and First Responders
- Blessing of Reworked Vestments
- Blessing of the Animals Update
- Blessing of the Backpacks - September 18
- Blessing of the Backpacks on August 29
- Blessing of the Graduates
- Blessing of the Green Vestments in honor of Al Kohart
- Blood Drive at the Cathedral
- Bonjour, Stewardship!
- Book Signing and Reception for S. Jeanne Clark
- Boy Scout Troop 55 Fall Activities
- Boy Scout Troop 55 Holds Annual Fishing/Camping Trip and Court of Honor
- Boy Scout Troop 55 Winter Update
- Boy Scout Troup 55 Hold Annual Fishing/Camping Trip and Court of Honor
- Bright Week Schedule
- Brooklyn Contemplative Prayer
- Bulletins available electronically
- Calling Garden Enthusiasts!
- Cancelled: Ellevate at Mercer
- Canon Bruce Griffith's Invocation
- Canon Delaney to Support Ministry of the Bishop Full-Time
- Care for Creation
- Casavant Organ Reinstallation
- Catechumenate: a journey into the living waters of grace
- Catechumenate: Discovery
- Cathedral Alumni News
- Cathedral Beekeepers Are Preparing for our First Honey Extraction!
- Cathedral Choir Camp
- Cathedral Choir Camp 2024
- Cathedral Choir Camp 2024 Another Great Success
- Cathedral Choir Updates
- Cathedral Choirs Development Fund
- Cathedral Choirs Return This Weekend
- Cathedral Chorister Academy
- Cathedral Clergy Chaperone Youth Delegates to EYE23
- Cathedral Closed and Services Limited Next Week
- Cathedral Connect - Celebrations Ministry
- Cathedral Council Elections
- Cathedral Day of Service at The INN
- Cathedral for Kids
- Cathedral for Kids is Back
- Cathedral for Kids!
- Cathedral for Pets Prayer Service
- Cathedral for Pets: St. Francis Day Pet Food Drive to Support Last Hope
- Cathedral Honey Available
- Cathedral in the News
- Cathedral Kennel Club supports animal rescue in Ukraine
- Cathedral Kneeler Blessing
- Cathedral Kneelers Project
- Cathedral Life
- Cathedral Life
- Cathedral Life
- Cathedral Neighborhood Mass
- Cathedral of the Incarnation Presents the Notre Dame Glee Club for an Evening of Music
- Cathedral Outreach Ministries: Neighbors being Neighbors
- Cathedral Pet Ministry
- Cathedral Pet Ministry Spring Clean Up
- Cathedral Seating
- Cathedral Seminarians
- Cathedral Service League Trust Grant
- Cathedral vergers and altar guild: Vestments Project
- Cathedral Youth
- Cathedral Youth
- Cathedral Youth
- Cathedral Youth Confirmation Class
- Cathedral Youth Group
- Cathedral Youth Group
- Cathedral Youth Group - End of Year Cookout under the Tent
- Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) meets Sunday, Sept. 18 at 1PM
- Cathedral Youth Group Gathers Sunday (12/19/21)
- Cathedral Youth Group is Back Starting This Week
- Cathedral Youth Group meets this Sunday
- Cathedral Youth Group meets this Sunday - 1 PM
- Cathedral Youth Group meets this Sunday – 1 PM
- Cathedral Youth Group Meets This Week
- Cathedral Youth Group meets via Zoom this Sunday
- Cathedral Youth Group Pool Party!
- Cathedral Youth Night Watch
- Cathedral's Got Talent - This Saturday!
- Cathedral's Outreach Ministry Thanksgiving Dinner
- Celebrate All Hallows’ Eve at Cathedral for Kids
- Celebrating a Year with Fellowship in Faith
- Celebrating National Coming Out Day
- Celebration of the Life and Ministry of the Reverend Absalom Jones
- Celebration of the life of Dr. Phyllis Bain
- Celebration of the Rev. Absalom Jones
- Celebration of the Vigil of Pentecost
- Celebration Sunday is This Week!
- Center for Spiritual Imagination: First Tuesdays
- Children's Clothing & Coat Drive
- Choir Awards
- Choir Camp 2022
- Choir Camp 2023
- Choral Concert and Organ Recital
- Choral Concert: Bob Chilcott, conductor
- Choral Concert: eVoco Collective Mixed Ensemble "Bernstein at 100"
- Choral Concert: eVoco Voice Collective
- Choral Evensong and Chorister Appreciation
- Choral Evensong for All Saints Day
- Choral Evensong for Candlemas
- Choral Evensong for Candlemas
- Choral Evensong for Candlemas
- Choral Evensong for Candlemas Day
- Choral Evensong for Eastertide
- Choral Evensong for Lent & Cathedral Connect
- Choral Evensong for Pentecost and Chorister Recognition Day
- Choral Evensong for St. Francis Day and Blessing of Animals
- Choral Evensong for the Feast of All Saints
- Choral Evensong for the Feast of Candlemas
- Choral Evensong for the Feast of the Epiphany
- Choral Evensong on Sunday
- Choral Evensong: Creation Care
- Chrism Mass
- Christmas at the Cathedral
- Christmas at the Cathedral Schedule
- Christmas Caroling by our Acolytes
- Christmas Day
- Christmas Day Mass
- Christmas Donations
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Eve Reception
- Christmas for Kids Pageant
- Christmas Pageant Auditions Sunday, November 17th
- Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal this Saturday (12/18/21)
- Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
- Christmas Pageant Rehearsals
- Christmas Schedule at the Cathedral
- Christmas: The Whole Story in Light and Sound
- Churchwide Virtual Celebration: The Investiture of Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe
- Coffee Hour For All!
- Coffee, Cake & Connection
- Coffee, Cake, and Conversation
- Colin MacKnight: The Art of Fugue
- Collaboration Between Organists in the US and Ukraine
- Collecting supplies for our friends in Belize
- Collection for Puerto Rico
- Communion Instruction Five Week Course
- Community Garden First Harvest
- Community of the Incarnation Contemplative Prayer Service
- Concert: The Taylor & Boody Continuo Organ
- Concerts Return to the Cathedral with Notre Dame Glee Club
- Confirmations
- Congratulations to Fr. Adam Bucko and Kaira Jewel!
- Connect to Cathedral Life
- Construction of New Frontal Cabinet
- Contemplative Practice For Just Living
- Contemplative Prayer in-person at the Cathedral
- Continuation of the suspension of in-person worship
- Cornelia Clinch Stewart Scholarship Fund
- Council Picnic: Rescheduled!
- COVID Rental Assistance Program
- Creation Care Conversation
- Creation Care Ministry Earth Day Event
- CSA Farm Share 2025 Season
- Cub Scout Pack 55
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Cathedral Tour
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Open House
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Pinewood Derby
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Poinsettia & Wreath Fundraiser
- Cub Scout Pack 55 Registration
- Cultivating Justice Virtual Event
- Daniel Gale Sotheby’s Pairs with Cathedral Outreach Ministry for Coat Drive
- Day of the Dead
- Daylight Saving Time Starts
- Deacon Denise Galloway Named Coordinator of Deacons
- Deacon Doug Mohrmann's last Sunday at the Cathedral
- Deadline for United Thank Offering Donations
- Dean names Kyle Sabo as his Senior Administrative Aide
- Dean Sniffen Keeps Marine Corps Spirits High
- Dean's Forum
- Dean's Forum Begins
- Dean's Forum: The Reverend Dr. Craig D. Townsend
- Dean's Forum: C.S.Lewis's Letters to Malcolm
- Dean's Forum: Cathedral Life Today and Tomorrow
- Dean's Forum: Christmas to Candlemas
- Dean's Forum: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Dean's Forum: Engaging Christian Virtue
- Dean's Forum: Engaging Christian Virtues Part II
- Dean's Forum: Grace and Incarnation
- Dean's Forum: Lenten Bible Study
- Dean's Forum: Service to Country
- Dean's Forum: The Gift and Grace of Stewardship
- Dean's Forum: The Gift of Years
- Dean's Forum: This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home
- Dean’s Forum: Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide with Fr. Adam Bucko
- Deanery-Wide Bible Study Initiative
- Deans Forum: I Sing a Song of the Saints of God
- Deck the Halls with us!
- Deconsecration of Cathedral House
- Dianne Moody Funeral Service
- Diaper Drive 2022
- Diocesan Celebration of Earth Day
- Discovery: Episcopal 101
- Discovery: Inquirer's Class
- Discovery: Stage I of the Catechumenate Process
- Discovery: Stage II of the Catechumenate Process
- Eagle Project Bake Sale
- Eagle Scout Fundraiser
- Eagle Scout Project
- Eagle Scout Project at the Bishop Walker Guesthouse
- Earth Day Presentation
- Earthquake Relief Team Effort
- Easter Edition of Cathedral Connect
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Easter Flower & Palm Screen Donations
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Sunday Liturgy
- Eastertide Service Recognition
- Elevate Summer Camp Weekend at Camp DeWolfe
- Ellevate Event at Mercer
- EMLI: From Pew to Public Square
- Episcopal Ministries Helps Provide a Lifeline
- Evensong for All Saints' Day
- Evensong for Easter
- Evensong for Eastertide and Sherry Hour
- Evensong for Epiphany & Reception to follow benefitting Cathedral Outreach
- Evensong for the Feast of Candlemas
- Evensong for the Feast of Pentecost
- Evensong for the Nation
- Evensong for the Season of Creation
- Evensong: Canceled
- Event with Multiple Sub-Events (not nested)
- Exploring a Monastic Rule of Life
- Exploring New Monasticism with the Center for Spiritual Imagination
- Eyeglasses Collection
- Family Communion Class
- Family Getaways at Camp DeWolfe
- Family Ministries Newsletters
- Farewell to Kate Akerman
- Feast of Thanksgiving for the Holy Eucharist
- February 2022 Repertoire
- Feeding Ministries
- Feeding Ministries
- Fellowship in Faith
- Fellowship in Faith
- Fellowship in Faith
- Fellowship in Faith
- Fellowship in Faith - No program this Sunday!
- Fellowship in Faith & Dean's Forum
- Fellowship in Faith and Cathedral Youth
- Fellowship in Faith Clothing Drive for INN a success!
- Fellowship in Faith for Adults
- Fellowship in Faith for Families
- Final Fellowship in Faith Celebration
- First-ever Online Blessing of the Animals, October 21 at 2pm
- Flower Memorials
- Free Antibody Testing
- Fresh Fruit Donations for Street Ministry
- From the Hive
- From the Hive
- Garden City Interfaith Gathering
- Garden City Peace and Justice Picnic
- Garden Manor Nursery School at Christ Church
- Garden Market
- Gethsemane Watch on Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Good Friday for Kids
- Graduating Choristers Receive Award
- Great Vigil of Easter
- Greetings from Ukraine!
- Grief Support Group
- Growing Number of Choristers Creates Need for Two Rehearsals, Allows for More Focused Training
- Guest Preacher at Incarnation Chapel
- Guest Preacher at Incarnation Chapel This Week
- Halloween for All Ages this Sunday
- Harpsichord to Expand Musical Resources
- Healing Day National Bell Ringing
- Hello Summer!
- Help The INN collect school supplies
- Help The INN continue to serve the hungry and homeless
- Help Those INN Need
- Helping Our Furry Friends
- Helping People Feed Their Pets
- High Altar Restoration to Begin This Month
- History as Social Justice Activism: An Uncovering Parish Histories Report
- Hofstra Collegium Musicum: Dive Thoughts, Down to My Soul
- Holy Week and Easter
- Holy Week and Easter Sermons Online
- Holy Week and Easter Services
- Holy Week at the Cathedral
- Honoring our High School Seniors
- Hymn Festival: Simon Lole, Conductor
- In my beginning is my end: Thinking about the creation and consummation of all things
- Incarnation Chapel
- Incarnation Chapel Feast of the Epiphany and First Anniversary
- Incarnation Chapel Good Friday
- Incarnation Chapel this Saturday
- Incarnation Chapel this week
- Incarnation Chapel: Absalom Jones
- Incarnation Chapel: Contemplation Through Art
- Individual or Group Guided Tours
- INNcarnation Brunch 2019
- Inside the Hive - First Honey Extraction of the Season
- Institution of the Reverend Andrew Durbridge as 8th Rector of St. Luke and St. Matthew
- Interested in Becoming a Youth Acolyte?
- Interfaith Memorial Day Prayer Service (Online)
- Interfaith Service and Picnic are cancelled
- International Piano and Violin Competition
- Introduction To Socially Engaged Mysticism (Candidacy)
- Invite Welcome Connect with Mary Parmer
- January 2022 Repertoire
- Jeanisha's Mission Trip to Puerto Rico!
- Join a Group!
- Join in Celebrating the Ordination of Matthew Sanfilippo and Reception of Andrew Garnett
- Join us for Fellowship & Barbeque
- Join Us for Long Island Pride!
- July Wallpaper Calendar is Here!
- July Wallpaper Calendar is Here!
- June Wallpaper Calendar is Here!
- Junior Warden Elected by Council
- Kris Vieira to become Program Director of the Center for Spiritual Imagination
- Kyle Sabo Appointed as Dean’s Verger
- Last Hope Animal Shelter Food Drive and Cathedral for Pets First Monday Pet Blessings & Prayer Group
- Launch of Center for Spiritual Imagination
- Lay Eucharistic Visitor Training Session
- Lay Eucharistic Visitor Training Session
- Lectio Divina for Advent
- Lecto Divina for Advent
- Lectors for Cathedral for Kids
- Lectors Workshop
- Lent and Easter for Kids
- Lent and Holy Week Schedule
- Lenten Ecumenical Prayer
- Lenten Series: Five Holy Wounds
- Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide: Lessons in Engaged Contemplation
- LGBTQ+ and Spirituality: Building a Relationship of Love and Compassion
- Liturgical Minister Training continues this weekend!
- Liturgical Ministry in a time of Covid
- Live Stream Eucharist: Washington National Cathedral
- Long Island Pride Parade
- Long Time Pledge Secretary Gerry Potter Honored
- Lunch and Learn Jan 2023 Engaging with Matthew's Gospel in Lectionary Year A
- Lunch and Learn Series: Be Young at Heart in Epiphanytide with Canon Kate
- Lunch and Learn with the Rev. Dr. John McGinty
- Lunch and Learn with The Rev. Dr. McGinty - Registration is open!
- Lunch and Learn: The Bible and Creation
- Lyracle: Voice and Viol
- Manolov International Piano Competition this Saturday
- March Against Anti-Semitism
- March Spotlight on Stewardship
- Mask Update
- Maundy Thursday
- May the Fourth Be With You — Star Wars Afternoon at the Cathedral
- Meditation & Justice Series at Adelphi
- Meditation and Contemplative Prayer
- Meditation and Justice at Adelphi University
- Memorial Day Mass - 9am at the Cathedral of the Incarnation
- Ministry Preparation
- Missing Icon
- Mitt-stravaganza 2: Keep on Mittening!
- Mitt-stravaganza In-gathering: Make them, buy them, bring them!
- Mitt-Stravaganza!
- MLK Day of Service
- Monday is Moonday!
- Moondance in the Nave: A Gala Dinner/Dance Benefiting the Historic Stewart Buildings Fund
- Morning Prayer for the Nation
- Mothering Sunday
- Mothering Sunday Pancake Breakfast
- Mothering Sunday Pancake Breakfast
- Multiracial Biblical Studies
- Music at 11:15 Mass this Sunday
- Music in the Cathedral Series
- Music Selections for All Saints’ Sunday
- Musical Splendors of Rome
- Mystagogia: Living into the Mysteries
- Mystagogia: Living into the Mysteries of our Faith
- Mystery Bus Tour!
- Nassau County Correctional Center Ministry
- National Acolyte Festival
- Neighbors Being Neighbors
- Neighbors Being Neighbors
- Neighbors Being Neighbors 12th Night Celebration
- Neighbors Being Neighbors Cathedral Outreach Reception
- Neighbors Being Neighbors: Ice Cream Social
- Neighbors Being Neighbors: Volunteer Opportunities
- Nest Sub Event Example
- New Cathedral Outreach and Basic Christian Formation in Carle Place
- New Guided Meditation
- New Mission at Site of Former St. Mary’s, Carle Place
- New Monastic Vow Ceremony
- New services at Christ Church: A Chapel of the Cathedral
- New Summer Schedule Starting This Weekend
- New Years Day
- Newsday Article on Incarnation Chapel
- Nightwatch at the Cathedral
- Nobel Peace Prize nominee to preach and teach at Cathedral on Mother’s Day
- Noonday and Evening Prayer
- Noonday Mass Tuesday through Thursday
- Notice Regarding Phishing Emails
- November 4th Benefit Concert for Ukraine
- Now What is Love?
- NYC World Pride Parade
- Open House for New Girl & Boy Choristers
- Opportunities for Healing Prayers and Anointing
- Opportunities for Healing Prayers and Anointing
- Oral History of the Cathedral
- Ordination of Adam Bucko
- Ordination of Kate Schneider to the Transitional Diaconate
- Ordination to the Priesthood
- Organ Concert: Colin MacKnight
- Organ Concert: Larry Tremsky
- Organ Recital: Alex Pattavina
- Organ Recital: Colin MacKnight
- Organ Restoration Project
- Our latest newsletter is here!
- Our New Associate Organist/Choirmaster
- Outdoor Evensong for Saint Francis Day and Blessing of the Animals
- Outdoor Neighborhood Service
- Outreach Care Package Drive
- Outreach Ministry Coat Collection
- Outreach Ministry: Upcoming Events
- P.E.A.C.E. 5th Annual Talent and Fashion Show
- P.E.A.C.E. After School Program
- P.E.A.C.E. AfterSchool Camp Day
- Pack & Troop 55's Annual Wreath and Poinsettia Fundraiser
- Pack 55 and BSA Girl Troop 322 Camp Outs
- Pack 55 News & Events
- Pack 55 Rocket Stomp
- Palm Screen Construction
- Palm Sunday
- Palm Sunday Choral Services
- Palm Sunday Online
- Parents Forum: Growing Pains
- Parents Forum: The Spirituality of Teenagers
- Parents' Circle
- Parents' Circle Registration is Now Open - March 8 and 22
- Pawtoberfest and Blessing of the Animals
- Pentecost Annual Meeting and Community BBQ
- Pentecost Sunday
- Pet Ministry Meeting
- Phased Re-Opening
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Prayer Shawl Ministry (online)
- Prayers for the Nation
- Prepare the Cathedral for Easter!
- Prison Ministry Christmas Cards
- Private Christmas Communion
- Private Communion at Cathedral
- Private Household Communion in Lent
- Prom Dresses for those in Need
- Raphael Vogl, Associate Organist/Choirmaster
- Realm for Giving
- Realm for Giving
- Register for your Advent Wreath Kit today!
- Register now for Parents' Circle: Blessing of a Skinned Knee
- Regular Worship Schedule Resumes September 12
- Remembering the Future
- Request for Donations
- Response to Cold Weather Emergency in the South
- Return of Sherry Hour!
- Return of the Cathedral Choristers
- Rev. Deacon Claire Mis will preach at Incarnation Chapel
- Revelation: Resistance and Hope for its time – and ours
- Ring "INN" The New Year!
- Sacred Ground
- Sacred Ground 2025
- Sacred Ground: REGISTRATION CLOSING 1/24/24
- Sacred Ground: The Episcopal Church's Series on Race, Grounded in Faith
- Save the Date for a Mardi Gras celebration
- Scholarships Awarded at Juneteenth Jubilee
- School Group Visits
- School Supply Donations
- School Supply Drive
- Scout Sunday at the 9:15am Cathedral for Kids!
- Scout Sunday February 6
- Scout Troop 55 News
- Seedlings is Back!
- Serve at The INN
- Service League Grants Awarded
- Severe heat this weekend: Neighborhood Mass will be indoors
- Snacks for The INN
- Social Distancing Solidarity: Rainbow Connection
- Social Justice Ministry
- Social Justice Ministry
- Social Justice Ministry Book Discussion
- Social Justice Ministry Book Discussion: Kindred
- Social Justice Ministry meets this Sunday
- Social Justice Ministry Mission Statement
- Social Justice Ministry: Race and Faith
- Social Justice Ministry's Reading Group Resumes
- Social Justice Reading Group
- Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday
- Solemn Mass for Christmas Eve, preceded by carols
- Solemn Mass for Maundy Thursday
- Solidarity With Ukraine
- Soup Donations for Street Ministry
- Soup Donations needed!
- Special Coffee Hour this Sunday in Honor of Fr. Michael Delaney
- Special Dean’s Forum with Charlie Janoff, August 15
- Special Knitting Morning
- Special PRESALE! Victorian Christmas Tea
- Special Worship Opportunities
- Spiritual Practices for Difficult Times
- Spotlight on Altar Guild
- Spotlight on Pastoral Care Ministry
- Spotlight on Stewardship
- Spotlight on: LI-CAN
- Spotlight On....
- Spring Cohort Reunion of Sacred Ground
- Stations of the Cross
- Stations of the Cross (TEST ONLY)
- Stations of the Cross for Kids
- Staying Connected
- Steinway Piano Recital: Veselin Ninov with the New York Virtuosos
- Steinway Series Piano Concert: Chad Lawson
- Steward Blessing
- Stewardship
- Stewardship Reminder
- Stewardship Sunday
- Stewart Circle Sponsor Cocktail Party
- Storytime with Kate
- Sub-Dean Transition
- Summer Coffee Hours
- Summer Kick-Off at the Cathedral
- Summer Reading: The Universal Christ
- Summer Sandwich Making
- Summer Storytime on the Cathedral Close
- Summer with Family Ministries
- Sunday School Registration
- Support Life Scout in Troop 55
- Support the Cathedral of the Incarnation with AmazonSmile
- Take a Seat at the Cathedral!
- Talents, Gifts, & Time! Stewardship Sundays
- Taylor and Boody Organ Demonstration
- Tending for Loss - A Facilitated Support Circle
- Thank You
- Thank you for sharing the love this Christmas!
- Thank you to Agape Ministries
- Thank you to all who supported Camp Peace
- Thank you to our Memorial Day Fair volunteers and sponsors!
- Thank You to our PEACE Day Camp volunteers
- Thank You's and Smiles from Belize
- Thanks to All Who Attended Pentecost Sunday
- Thanksgiving at the Incarnation Chapel
- The 81st General Convention
- The Artist as Preacher
- The Baptism Of Christ
- The Barbara C. Harris Scholarship is Now Accepting Applications
- The Cathedral Choristers
- The Cathedral INNcarnation Ministry
- The Cathedral Needs...You!
- The cathedral’s stunning Resurrection Peacock embroidery will…rise again!
- The Dean of the Cathedral has appointed the Rev. Kate Salisbury as Canon for Christian Education
- The Dean to Preach at St. Michael's & All Angels, Barbados
- The Dean's Forum
- The Feast of St. Nicholas at the Incarnation Chapel
- The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
- The Gothic Imagination
- The Great Vigil of Easter
- The History of Heaven and Hell
- The Last Sunday After Epiphany
- The Long Island Baroque Ensemble presents our 53rd Annual Bach Concert
- The Moon as Sacred Mirror
- The Nicene Creed
- The Office of Tenebrae
- The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple
- The Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
- The Social Justice Ministry
- The Spiritual Imagination of Howard Thurman
- The Spirituality of Recovery with the Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke
- The Third Sunday after Epiphany
- This Week at Fellowship in Faith
- This Week at Incarnation Chapel
- TIME CORRECTION: Daily Office Meeting with The Rev’d Canon Michael Delaney 8PM Tomorrow
- Troop 55 Community Project
- Troop 55’s Newest Eagle Scout
- Tuesday Evening Meditation and Contemplative Prayer
- Tuesday Meditation and Contemplative Prayer
- Twelfth Night and Procession of Three Kings
- Ukrainian Benefit Concert at the Cathedral of the Incarnation
- Ukrainian University Choir Concert
- Unicorns Spotted at the Cathedral
- United for Ukraine
- Upcoming Scout Sunday
- Us and Floyd + “Pillar & Pint” Brewery Night Under the Moon
- Usher CPR training
- Using Your Sacred Space
- Verger 101 Information Session
- Verger's Fall Workshop
- Veterans Day Evensong at St. Ann & The Holy Trinity Church and Pro Cathedral
- Vigil of Palm Sunday
- Volunteer at St. John's Episcopal Hospital
- Volunteers for Palm Screen
- Volunteers Needed for All Hallows' Eve
- Volunteers Needed: Saturdays Once a Month
- Watch the recording of Commissioning Ceremony for Dean Sniffen
- Wednesday Healing Eucharist
- Wednesday Night Advent Series: The Universal Christ
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- Weekday Daily Office with the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island
- Weekday Morning Prayer and Compline via Zoom
- Weekday Morning Prayer Online
- Weekdays & Weekends in the Garden
- Weekend Events Hosted by Our Ministry Partners
- Weekly Meditation And Contemplative Prayer
- Weeknight Compline Online
- Welcome Christ Church!
- Welcome David Preston
- Welcome Douglas Mohrmann, New Cathedral Seminarian
- Welcome Father Cameron Walker
- Welcome new Cathedral Council members
- Welcome, Adam Bucko!
- Welcome, Caroline!
- Welcome, Fr Eddie!
- Welcome, Lisa!
- Welcome, Raphael!
- Welcoming Autumn with Harvest Altar
- What the bees tell US!
- What Unites Us As Christians
- Why Believe? William James and the Challenge to Faith
- Wishing Amanda Henes All Success
- Women's March in NYC
- Woof! Meow! (That Means Thank You!)
- Worship Schedule with Links to Services and Bulletins
- Year-End Slideshow & Reports from Annual Meeting
- Yoga at the Cathedral
- Yoga Outdoors
- Youth Confirmation meeting January 23
- Youth Habitat for Humanity Build
- Youth Leadership Workshop