© The Episcopal Diocese of Long Island

Serve the Cathedral Congregation

Cathedral Ministry Teams

Our Ministry teams focus on four areas of ministry: Pastoral Care, Stewardship, Hospitality, and Liturgical Ministry. Members of the cathedral are invited to join the council in these ministries. You can join these groups on Realm or email us for more info.

The Pastoral Care Team

The Pastoral Care Team is dedicated to the pastoral needs of the cathedral congregation. Through phone calls, letter writing, home and hospital visits the Pastoral Care Team tends to the needs of our parishioners. This team also coordinates services of the anointing of the sick and the laying on of hands.

The Stewardship Team

The Stewardship Team is responsible for implementing Stewardship 2024, a year of giving, supporting and building community in a time of change and uncertainty. This team will meet on a regular basis, will oversee the fall pledge campaign, will engage in conversations about what it means to be a Steward of the Cathedral and will help deepen an awareness of the spirituality of giving.

The Hospitality Team

The Hospitality Team is all about what it means for us to be a welcoming community. Through hosting social gatherings, extending invitations to events and making connections with parishioners, the Hospitality Team will strengthen our sense of fellowship. The Hospitality Team can always use volunteers to host and assist at Sunday Coffee Hour.

The Liturgical Ministry Team

Liturgical ministers are key worship leaders serving in several distinct roles. These include: lector, intercessor, usher, verger and acolyte. Our liturgical ministers serve during online services as well as in-person services. Appropriate training is provided for all roles.